Anesthesia Delivery

Dynamic Anesthesia Delivery. When Every. Breath. Counts.

Our unique anesthesia technology makes the difference. At Getinge we are passionate about patient safety and care efficiency. That’s why we have developed Dynamic Anesthesia Delivery for our Flow Family anesthesia machines – innovative technology that puts the clinician in control, supplying safer and more precise anesthesia for any patient, case or situation.

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With our flow anesthesia technology – tailored ventilation performance to ICU standards, precise dosage, gentle lung protection and active hypoxic prevention – you can easily ensure the perfect flow for each patient, finetuning anaesthesia delivery in real time, breath by breath. Enhanced patient safety and reliable care outcomes, that’s the firm focus of dynamic anaestesia delivery.

Automatic Gas Control (AGC) makes low-flow anesthesia delivery safe. With simple pre-settings, specifying the targeted inspired oxygen, end-tidal anesthetic agent levels and required speed, AGC solves the rest. Our innovation offers high precision combined with improved comfort and increased safety.